This past week, I decided to join a few of my sisters and a sister-in-law (with accompanying children) on a trip to Disneyland. Preston didn't go with us, so he was a little sad he didn't get to share the experience of our child's first trip to Disneyland. I had to remind him that Mitchell had already been to Disneyland (last July) and that this trip didn't count because he was too young to remember that it was his first
real visit to the "happiest place on earth". (I know, you can't see his eyes in that picture, but he was asleep anyway.)

Mitchell made it through the rides with no problem.

He wasn't too excited about riding most of the attractions, so we pretty much just went on rides for the the photo ops (as you can see above).

We decided to take a spin on the teacups...
...while Aunt Mary skipped the ride to hold Mr. Precious.

Here we are waiting for the Aladdin musical to begin. Mitchell decided to blow bubbles to pass the time. Once the show started, the alarmed look on his face turned into one of joy and excitement, and he squealed and laughed through the entire show. Flying carpets make me giggle too.

This group of photos wouldn't be complete without a classic self-taken picture. You always need at least one of those.
It's A Small World had Mitchell's complete attention.

Mary Lynne and McKay joined us on my FAVORITE ride. (McKay had a hard time looking at the camera while the little characters were dancing about. So cute!)

We had a wonderful time and I'm excited to take Mitchell back when he's a little older. (I enjoyed riding Dumbo with him, because for the first time
I got to play with the up/down lever.)

Mitchell was pretty sleepy the next day, and his cousin Christopher provided a warm, comfy place to recover from the previous day's adventures.

It looks like we also made it to the beach.