Cameron Falls
(Waterton Lakes Park in Alberta...uh, in Canada)

Mitchell has some pretty nice, fun cousins...

...and his new favorite word after this was --- "BIKE!!!"

Throwing Rocks Into Waterton Lake
(The water was a tad beyond chilly; however, Mitchell had no problem wading in and splashing around.)

Here's the regular ol' view of Waterton Lake from behind the Prince of Wales Hotel

Cameron Lake

We camped just outside Waterton for a few days. The motorhome was cozy and full of entertaining features.
(One fun feature in particular was the adorable chubby-legged baby.)

Normally Mitch would be excited to look at a deer, but his mama finally let him get his hands on that surrey steering wheel. Best ride EVER!

Akamina Falls
We hiked all the way to British Columbia to get this picture, so I hope you think it's swell.

The ZOO in Calgary --- with cousins --- and Grandma Porter!!!
Ever since this encounter, Mitch has become enamored with horses. He remembers certain pages in certain books with pictures or drawings of horses. Parades do little to hold his interest, until the horses arrive, and then he yells, "Horse! Horse! Horse!" for the 20 minutes that follow. If we drive past a field, whether he sees one or not, he points and says, "Horse! Horse! Horse!" Luckily, at his current age, he doesn't know enough to insist that I buy a horse for him. (Well, I have bought him a few horses --- small and plastic.)