Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 11: Another Bath

Roman Baths

These stacked tiles were under the floor, and they would push hot air through, thereby producing "in-floor heating"

Another bath

These steps are all that remain of the Temple of Minerva Sulis

This is the pool where brave little bathers would take a cold dip after
spending time in the steam room

The Roundys were fun to Bath with

Here's where the steamy spring water comes out

Jane Austen lived at this address while in Bath

Here's proof that Mitchell toured the Jane Austen Centre
(He'll appreciate it when he's a teenager.)

The Royal Crescent

1 comment:

pinkfrostycookies said...

Thanks for sharing Bath with us! ;)
That Jane Austen experience is going to make Mitchell very popular with the ladies one day. And then he'll have me to thank.