We have nothing exciting to report this week; therefore, we are going to write about the wonderful Sunday dinner we had. Preston decided he wanted to be in charge of cooking the roast this Sunday, using the beautiful Alberta beef we received. He was also in charge of the mashed potatoes, but that's no big deal, because he's always responsible for the mashing. That's his permanent job. I made green salad, fruit salad, rolls, and I also steamed broccoli. Then for dessert we enjoyed strawberry shortcake. I wish I had taken a picture of the table. I even folded my famous "turkey" napkins. We invited Preston's co-worker and his wife over for dinner, and we enjoyed a lovely afternoon/evening with them. That's what makes the following story so fun (because if we had just been alone, there would have been nobody to laugh with us): I baked the cake for dessert, and as I approached the oven to check on its progress, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I didn't make a chocolate cake." Well, it is true, I didn't make a chocolate cake, but its appearance indicated otherwise. Why? The temperature dial was perhaps manipulated by someone bumping into it, thereby raising the 350 degree temperature setting to 475 degrees (it seriously was at 350 when I set it and walked away). So, when I opened the oven to remove the charred brick, the talking/high-pitched smoke detector went off. How fun! Luckily I was able to whip up another cake. Ok, that's the end of the story. So, could you ever imagine that even though this week was uneventful, this post turned out to be the longest ever?