Preston and I rode horses today. It was super fun. I've been saying that I probably won't think it's as fun when I get up in the morning (assuming I actually can get up). We rode for a couple of hours.

I believe I was singing a song here. Perhaps it was "The Sound of Music" or the theme from "Bonanza", but more than likely it was "Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me".

Here is a lovely shot of me, gracefully making my way down the hill on Windy, my favorite horse.

Here's another beautiful photo of the river. I do so love the wonderful views at the Porter farm.

Here we are again atop our trusty steeds.

Here's something I've not seen a horse do (until today). Windy rolled over several times in order to get a good back scratch after our long ride. Thanks for the good times, Windy ol' boy!
I'm jealous of the horse back riding and of course for you being in southern Alberta and us not being there too! Usually we would be but decided to just make one trip this month for my sisters wedding. Glad I found your blog!
Look at you up on your high horse!
I'm pretty jealous, it's been years since I've been able to feel the wind in my hair while riding a trusty steed.
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