This is, of course, Times Square. We took a night tour on a double-decker bus, and it was just delightful. I highly recommend it!

We had a great time in Chinatown and Little Italy. Upon the suggestion of someone we know in Las Vegas, we ate at Da Nico's (the sign is up on the right side). It made Olive Garden look like McDonald's pretty much. I mean, I love McDonald's and all, but I think ya'll know what I'm trying to say here. If not, move on.

We made it to the top of the Empire State Building (with some help from an elevator). We took the stairs for the last 6 flights because we were too impatient to wait for the second elevator. On the way back down, our laziness overpowered our impatience, so we waited.

There's the ESB from below, along with Macy's on the left. That reminds me, we need to leave our hotel room RIGHT NOW and do some shopping.

We attended church on Sunday at the Manhattan 1st Ward. Aren't we extra good?
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