Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Don't Tase Me, Bro!

Here's the video that Preston BEGGED me for days to watch. I kept telling him, "No thanks!" The thought of watching it both horrified and saddened me. I finally gave in to Preston's constant nagging, and what was the result of viewing it? I'm even more horrified and saddened. Enjoy!


Melanie said...

Ummm...ouch! I don't blame you for not wanting to watch it!

KellyLady said...

Cliff would like to say that he laughed his pants off...I don't get guys. I'm going with the "oh my gosh" reaction!

Steve and Holly said...

Did he have to????

Anonymous said...

This is painful to watch! How sad! How mean! Poor Preston! My heart goes out to you!

pinkfrostycookies said...

Hey, that is a great header photo!
I can't bring myself to watch the video. Maybe someday.

Steve and Holly said...

Since Preston has been tased maybe he can handle that he's been tagged!

Amanda said...

Oh my hell that makes me hurt So bad. I can't wait to show Kevin. I guess its kinda cool to say that he know's how it feels... ouch

NatalieD said...

Yuck!!! I'm surprised you watched it. You're tougher than I am.

Unknown said...

After the "Owie" did I catch a "Ow me beh ooz bah?"

Is that 'Please Stop' in Taser language or Canadian?