Preston and I have been considering various water storage options and have come across this nifty little device. Whether or not you plan to store many gallons of water at home, this dandy water purifier would definitely come in handy. Even if your emergency plan involves moving to a cave in the mountains, as long as you can find water, there will be no worries.
As you'll read on the website, this bottle will purify water that's contaminated with bacteria AND viruses, as well as metals, chemicals, fungi, and parasites. It's incredible! The great part is, we don't work for this company. So, whether you choose to buy one or not, we could care less. Now, I say we "could care less" instead of we "couldn't care less", because we actually do care. We want to you have safe water to drink. Go to the site and check out the demo, ok?
Thanks for the recommendation. We'll be checking it out!
How awesome. This is especially awesome because I have been contemplating where I am going to put several of those big ugly blue barrels. Who has space for that?
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